Saturday, July 29, 2006

Podshow Number 38 - Homage to the Sun

Happy Summer! Hope you're beating the heat wherever you are.
Me...I'm just happy to see the sun (how's that for a segue?)... And it's "The Sun" that today's show is all about.
We've got a whopping 7 songs for Podshow #38, so grab your Hawaiian Tropic and let's hit the beach!

"Sun" by The Velmas
"Brand New Sunglasses" by The Jellybricks
"Sunshine Between" by Fred
"Flattened by the Sun" by The Negatones
Podcast Promo: The Best of the Worst Podcast by Jammin' Dave Jackson (also the host of the Musician's Cooler podcast)
"Big Bad Sun" by Chris Juergensen
"Sundown" by Josh Woodward
"See the Sun" by Black Lab

Whoo, I've got sand in my shorts and I think the parking meter just ran out...time to head home.
Stop by the Podsafe Music Network for more great music. I'll catch ya later!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Podshow Number 37

Happy Friday!
It's hot, and I don't have to work overtime, so that must mean it's time to retreat to the cool of the basement and put out a podcast! Crack open another Mike's Hard Lemonade, and turn up the volume. Here's today's lineup:

"Let You Go" by Sonny Combs and Kitty Kat Rodeo
"College Daze" by The Clintons
"Wonder About Me" by Porter Block
"Aloha Via Satellite" by Poundcake
"That Joke isn't Funny Anymore" by COMEG
"Hopelessly Alone" by Darren Geffre

Have a great weekend, and we'll catch you later!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Show Number 36 - Another Retro-80s Cast

Note: parts of this podcast may not be considered worksafe!
Happy 4th of July weekend to Everyone!
Carmella Crispy Treat joins me again today for another Retro-80s 'Cast. Thanks to Dan Klass for not busting my chops for doing something similar to his Old Wave Radio podcast. We can't help what we like! :)
In addition to some great music, we chat a little about Reality TV shows, the fact that commercial radio sucks, and offer up both congratulations and a little challenge to the guys over at the Little Fatty Cast. We're hopeless procrastinators... are you??

Here's the music lineup for this 80s-Style Show:
"Complicated Girl" by American Anthem
"Radiation" by The Epoxies
"Far Away From Near" by Minus Vince
"Saying Sorry Sucks" by Atomsplit
"Sofaking" by Little Yellow Perfect

Thanks for joining us, and thanks for subscribing. Please feel free to comment on the blog or better yet, review us on iTunes or Podcast Alley if you'd like. You can send us "gmail" at "opinionatedramblings" All music for today's show provided by the Podsafe Music Network. They freakin' Rock!
Thanks a lot, enjoy your weekend (what's left, anyway), and we'll catch you next time!
~Ceejay & Carmella