Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Podcast Number 22 - The Submission Show

No, not that kind of submission...get your mind out of the gutter! LOL!
We have a special kind of show today; 3 great artists who submitted songs for the podcast. We're featuring 2 songs each from these folks. I know you'll dig 'em.
If you have music you would like to submit to O.R., send me an email (ceejay1964 at gmail...) or post a comment.
OK, enough chatter. Here are the shownotes:

"Today" by Gods n Gurus
"Go" by Gods n Gurus
"Shiny Lies" by Evan Stone
"Red Panties 145" by Evan Stone
"Panacea" by bill
"Kiss the Stone" by bill

And, as always...SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Podcast Number 21

The first show of the New Year!
I'm posting this one on a different server... please let me know if you have issues downloading it fully. OK, enuff of the business end... here's the show notes:

"Real Low" by Amplifico
"New Way" by 38 Acres
"Strangely Inclined" by Big Strides
Podcast Promo Spotlight: "Dear George: Letters to the President"
"Josephine" by Darren Geffre
"I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton
"Runaway" by Corporate Whore

Hope you enjoy it. And, as always...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!
Thanks for joining me for the Opinionated Ramblings podcast. I am looking forward to a year of great independent music and I hope that you will continue sharing it with me.