Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bike Week Video - Click here to Stream

Better late than never, here it is... The video I made at Laconia Bike Week.

If you click on the title of the post (above, in green) it should stream for ya.
It is a 22 minute .wmv file, and please be aware that it is kinda hefty... 103mb.


And if you dig Motor City Josh, you can visit their website. Cool!

Podshow Number 35

Vacation is over, and the rain is back. Ahh, well - what are you gonna do? How 'bout Podcasting? Sounds like a plan.
Great music today including a cut from the new Kathy Valentine solo project! How cool is that? Did you know she is a bitchin' hot lead guitarist?? Now you do!
Check down the site a little for a banner link to her album, "Light Years" (its on the right side). Please support Kathy and the other artists you hear on the show. I also do a little shameless self-promotion for my own band, Don't Harass Betty in celebration of our appearance in the iTunes catalog. Please check us out!

Enough chatter, here is the songlist:

Thanks for subscribing...tell your friends! Please feel free to leave comments and join our Frappr Map. Gmail me at "opinionatedramblings" (note that this is a gmail account...). :)
Until next time...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bike Week, 2006 - Laconia, NH

Here is a shot of "the strip" at Weirs Beach, NH during Laconia Bike Week. It was taken on Saturday around noontime.
It's hard to tell from this shot, but the bikes are lined up double-wide down the center (just past the white "tower") as well as along the outside edges on both sides... 4 rows from stem to stern on this road alone. And there's hundreds (or thousands?) more in other areas. I won't even begin to discuss the crowds!
And we finally got some decent weather!

All-in-all a great vacation, despite a helluva sunburn from Monday. I've got some video that I can hopefully post soon. Check back later for that. :)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Vacation! Yaaayyyyy!

I'm heading up to Bike Week, and I'm taking the camera (the "VRC," as I hear it's called down in Charleston...hi, guys!).
I will try to post some video later.

Until then...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Show Number 34

You're probably asking yourself, what's with the bike? Well, I do explain about 2/3 of the way through the show... just remember...these dangerous vehicles are to be used by properly trained and licensed individuals only. Ha!

Finally, show number 34 is here! Sorry for the delay, I've been crazy-busy lately. I did find some time to collect up some great music, though, and today's show has 6 cool tunes to get your Summer season off to a breezy start. Here's the lineup:

"Guess She's Right" and "Anymore" by Sonny Combs and Kitty Kat Rodeo
"Wanderlust" by Art Linton
"Something Better" and "Dream Another Day" by Porter Block
and "Save the World" by The Clintons

Shoutouts to HandyLee, Jackie & Jen from the Morning Brewcast, Paulie Podcaster at the DigiVegas Indie Podcast, and the guys down at Little Fatty. I also managed to slip in a plug for my other show, the Vintage Guitar Cast.
Thanks go out to the Podsafe Music Network for supplying today's music. "Thanks!" Please visit and support these bands!

Until Next Time...