Sunday, October 30, 2005

Salem at Halloween - Yup, I made it!

Here is a shot of one of the main intersections in downtown Salem, MA on the 30th of October (the bigger pic).
This was the part of town where all the action was; just across the street and down the pedestrian walkway. It was crazy-busy, but lots going on and a tons of great costumes. Wish I had taken more pictures. I may have to make a weekend of it next year!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Podshow 14 - The Halloween Edition

A little treat for Samhain...uh, I mean Halloween! Some groovy tunes by a whole crop of new bands to the show. Check it out:

"Villians" by Mad Caddies
"Creep Me Out" by The Transmissions
"Dead Men Tell No Tales" by The Receiving End of Sirens
"My Zombie Son" by Sell Crazy
"Ghost in the Fire" by King Bathmat
"Ghost" by Xerosun

Support Local Music and Have a great Halloween! Save me some Candy Corn.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Does anybody else find that burger king guy excessively creepy?

I'm not sure if it's the tights, the really big head, or that freakish grin, but it's just creepy.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Podshow Number 13

A Sunday Morning Touch of the Hard Stuff

Well, not too hard, really, but not exactly "soft-n-easy favorites." Here's the details:

"Storytellers" by Minus Vince
"Wishin" by Nuclear Saturday
"Let Me In" by Abagnale
"Broken Keys" by Even Tide
"My Hotel Year" by The Ataris (via the Fat Wreck Chords label and the Podsafe Music Network)

Use the chicklets on the right to subscribe to the show using your favorite podcatcher, or add us via the iTunes (you can find us there now...just search for "opinionated").
Thanks to the Podsafe Music Network and 15 Megs of Fame for hooking us up with the bands!

Support Local Music!

The Return of Yellow Journalism?

I don't know if this is something new, or if they have always been this out there with their headlines, but you gotta check out the Boston Herald. Here is a link to pictures of their front page that goes back a while. It's a hoot, really. I'm sure there's no sensationalism here, right?
It's 1898 again, and Hearst and Pulitzer are probably laughing their asses off.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Podshow Number 12

The 80s - Revisited, Part II

Another show chock-full of 80s-like tunes. Here's the lineup:

"All In On the Big Blind" - Full Minute of Mercury
"Static Surfer" - Craymo
"Soap Opera" - Skitch
"Die Zeitung" - The Mungers
"Why Can't We Sleep Together?" - Case of the Mondays

Visit The Podsafe Music Network and 15 Megs of Fame for more great tunes!

Party on, Wayne! It's like Buttah!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Way Cool! Opinionated Ramblings has been added to The Podcast Outlaws Network!
It's an honor to be listed as "a podcast to put on your "Wanted" List!" Thanks a lot Redboy and Aaron! I appreciate it and I know the bands on O.R. do, too. :)

Take a cruise on over to The Podcast Outlaws Network to find lots of cool podcasts.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Podcast Number 11

Roadtrip to Chicago!

On tonight's show, we take a trip to Chicago (by way of Metropolis, Il). All of the bands on this show come to us from up Chicago way with one notable exception. And we're especially proud to announce that we can now be found at as well as here at Blogger. And not only that, we're finally in the listings on ipodder and the iTunes! Whoo-hoo! How 'bout dem apples? Crank it up to 11 and check out these tunes...

"Far Away" by The October
"When I Wake" by The Changes
"Eli Miller" by Light FM
"Canon in D Major" by New Standard (special request for Dawna P.)
"Dead on Arrival" by Fall Out Boy

All of the music on tonight's show courtesy of the bands and 15 Megs of Fame. Check it out!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Podcast Number 10

Back to the 80s - Music from the 80s and music that sounds like it.

Kind of a retro show tonight. Tunes right up Dan Klass's alley...and if you don't know who Danny the K is, check out his podcast, Old Wave Radio. OK - on with the show(notes):

"Kung Fu Girl" by Starball
"The World Owes Rick Springfield a Break" by The Mungers
"I've Got to Be" by Multiple Choice (an actual demo from 1984)
"Murder in Bombay" by Darcy Fray
"The New Sensation" by Nuclear Saturday (their website is still under construction)

Dust off that Moog synth and zip up that yellow plastic's time to go retro.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Podcast Number 9

No Theme Tonight - Just Great Music!

We've got some bands you've heard before, some new ones to spotlight, and a world premier! Here's the lineup:

"Wide World" by Clear Frontier
"Mungertown Road" by The Mungers - a direct contribution from Colin of a brand new tune, hot off the presses! You'll only find this one here...for now, anyway. Great song, guys!
"Another Year in America" by Jack in the Pulpit
"2 Car Garage" by The Cool Waters Band
"Bedroom Girls" by The October

Thanks to the Podsafe Music Network, 15 Megs of Fame, and the bands who contributed their music directly. Check them out, and support independent music!