Thursday, March 30, 2006

One for the Record Books

Picture it: March 30th, the Northeast, on this day last year we had 11" of snow. Not this time.

Today, I took my first motorcycle ride of the season. Who would've guessed that was possible in a region of the country where the snow cover usually doesn't disappear sometimes until May?
But today, it's sunny and quite seasonable. It actually got up to 64 degrees, and there was no way I was gonna let it get by without hitting the road for a little cruise.
I took a spin "around the block," which in my neck of the woods amounts to about 30 miles. I passed several other bikers who were taking advantage of the nice afternoon as well.

Ahhhhh, that's the way life should be. I think we're expecting 67 degrees tomorrow.
Bet you can guess where I'll be.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Podshow Number 28

Just me today since Carmella is on a roadtrip down South (lucky wanker!). I tell you all about the hardships of installing a new replacement computra and how to properly spend your tax refund money. Blah, blah, blah. Luckily, there are 5 cool tunes to keep me quiet for most of today's 1/2 hour. Here is the list:

"So Over You" by Atomsplit
"Today" by Gods-n-Gurus
"Eleven Twenty-One" by Handhoney
"Fell in a Well (Well, Well, Well)" by The Five Maseratis
"Rumble" by The Real McKenzies

Yaaaayyyy! Spring has least on the calendar. C'mon, warm weather!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New Contact Info!

Hello again,
O.R. has got a new gmail address! Yaaaaay!
If you want to contact us, you can send myself or Carmella Crispy Treat an email at
Of course, you can post comments here on the blog if you'd prefer.

Now...let's see how long it takes the spam-bots to find this.
I'm guessing about 17 seconds.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Studio Overhaul

Hi O.R. Listeners,
I realize it's been a while since the last 'cast, but that is because the studio is getting a bit of an overhaul. As soon as I get the new 'brain' in place, I am looking forward to bringing you new shows.
Hang in there, and Thanks!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

For Larry & BF

Sometimes, you just need a coconut monkey.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Podshow Number 27

Carmella joins Ceejay again to host a genre-spanning 5 tunes and a bit of fun.
2 new bands and 3 repeat customers are featured today. A little tongue-in-cheek folky-rock, some alternative hard rock, heavy folk, progressive blues, and radio-ready pop-rock. Think you'll enjoy it! Here's the lineup:

"Whipped Cream on a Cowpie" by Monkeyshine
"I Will" by Handhoney
"Sweat" by Darren Geffre
"Evil Place" by Stingray
"I Believe" by Chase Jentz

Don't forget to visit our Frappr map and stick your pin in! And we would love to hear your comments on the show. Thanks for joining us, and we'll catch ya next time.