Quick Look at Current Issues
1. Make sure, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you or a loved one never ever gets a debilitating illness that requires an extensive hospital stay or surgeries; don't ever go through a long period of job loss or lose your insurance; and don't ever get divorced and get behind the 8-ball. The government has decided that the credit card companies are far more important than the American public, especially those on the lower tiers of the economic scale. They are ready to take away your right to bankruptcy protection. No one likes bankruptcy, but it's been there to help those in need if they must go down that road. Just say B'Bye, now...and make sure you never end up in a position where it may have helped you keep from having to decide between whether to have food, shelter, or meds.
2. Why is it the government doesn't understand the lack of interest in joining the service? Now, before you bust me for busting on this, know that I am a vet of not just one branch of the service, but two, and I would go back in right now if I could. But here's the deal: no support, no equipment, poor pay, cuts to the VA and military retirement benefits, an unjust war with no end in sight and over 1500 dead so far... need I go on? How long before you think the "read my lips, no new draft" is going to go the way of "read my lips, no new taxes?" The little acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
Ahhh, I've just got my knickers in a twist. Some of this stuff just seems so elemental. What's to figure out??