Podshow Number 42 - The First Anniversary Show!
Happy Labor Day weekend! This is the official First Anniversary Show for the podcast, and although I was hoping to have Carmella here for a blowout show, she just recently became an Auntie again, so she's a little busy with family stuff. That just leaves me, so let's fire this thing up...
Bunch-a good tunes today, as always. Here's what you'll find:
- "Happy Birthday" by Craymo
- "Sunday Jen" by Slackstring
- "Come With Me" by The Clintons
- "My Favorite Show" by Porter Block
- "The Midas Brush" by Poundcake
- "Marilyn County" by 100 Year Picnic
- "Becoming a Ghost" by Brian Buta
Thanks again to everybody - subscribers, visitors, artists, and fellow podcasters - for all your support. I really appreciate it! Please leave me comments here on the blog, send me email at opinionatedramblings (at) gmail (dot) com, or click the MyChingo button and send me a voiceletter. And don't forget about our Frappr map. I'd LOVE to see some new pins in there.
Thanks also to the Podsafe Music Network for supplying the majority of music for this podcast!
Enjoy your holiday weekend, stay safe, and I'll catch ya later.
Thanks for playing my song, Becoming a Ghost. My old website expired but your can check other songs out here: http://www.myspace.com/butamusic
I'm also involved in a band called Faster Faster Harder Harder, http://www.fasterfasterharderharder.com , and I have a side project called Planets, http://www.myspace.com/planetsbaltimore . Both of these bands/projects are on Podsafe.
You pronounced my name correct, no worries!
Thanks again,
Thanks, Brian! :)
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